Are you tough enough?
This year, as part of our charity fundraising, Indepth's Team 9 will be participating in 'Tough Mudder', a series of obstacle and mud runs over 5K, all in aid of Alzheimer's Society.
On Sunday the 11th of September, the team will be pushed to their physical and mental limits, so we want to find out what's motivating them to participate in Tough Mudder and how much of a challenge will this be?

"My dad has Alzheimer's and is currently in a home, so I am taking part to raise money and awareness.
I’m looking forward to taking part and having a laugh. I'm not looking forward to the pain I will no doubt be in the day after with aching muscles!
It will be a personal challenge to complete the course, as I have never completed an obstacle course before. I have always liked the idea of doing a ‘Krypton factor’ style obstacle course."
Donna Smith

"I'm taking part as my mother had vascular dementia.
I'm looking forward to getting the TEAM over the line. I've done this before as as an individual with my son, by this is a different challenge all together.
Regarding it being a personal challenge, have you seen the size of me? I know no fear and will meet everything head on. Tell me I can’t do it? Just watch me!"
Darran Yates
"I'm participating because I want to raise money for a good cause and have fun whilst doing it.
I’m looking forward to it all - I’m not the most athletic person, so I think its going to be really funny.
It will, however, be a really big challenge as I've never done anything like this before."
Nyasha Burch

"I want to help raise awareness for Dementia and do my bit.
This is something that I've wanted to do for a while and there’s no better time to do it than now, especially with the group of people that are taking part. I’m not looking forward to throwing myself about in all the mud and water - usually if I get a bit of dirt on anything I have to get changed!
This will be a huge challenge for me as just over a year ago I had to have an operation on my knee, so this is really the first time I will be doing something physical. Let’s hope my dodgy knee holds up."
Andy Nuttie

"Alzheimer’s Society does such important work that hits very close to home in my family, so supporting them is something we should all do wherever we can. It’s such a terrible illness and any money we raise just brings us that tiny bit closer to eradicating it.
I’m least looking forward to the Electroshock Therapy assault – 10,000 volts of fun! Picking mud out of my beard for the next week is also going to be a nightmare.
I hope I'll be able to provide support and help to others in the group too."
If you would like to make a donation, then please visit our JustGiving page
Best of luck to all the Team!
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