Healthy Hearts
World Heart Day on the 29th of September, is a day that aims to raise the profile of the importance of heart health and what to do in a cardiac emergency.
The heart is the only organ you can hear and feel and is the first and last sign of life. Beating cardiovascular disease (CVD) is something that matters to every beating heart, so today should be important to us all.
Every year, approximately 55 out of every 100,000 people experience an out-of-hospital cardiac arrest and that if started in the first few minutes of cardiac arrest, CPR can triple the chance of survival - that’s why it’s so critical.
We are very lucky to have a defibrillator in our UK Hub and have planned some essential CPR and defibrillator use training on the 16th of October, which also coincides with Restart a Heart Day. By equipping our colleagues with these skills and building their confidence, we can help increase the number of people who survive out-of-hospital heart attacks.
Useful resources
St John Ambulance have published some excellent resources on their website including an explanation of what CPR is, a step-by-step guide as to what to do should if you find someone collapsed and a video from the Resuscitation Council UK. They can be viewed by clicking here
Healthy heart challenge
To coincide with World Heart Day, the World Heart Federation are challenging people to walk, run or bike a heart shape in their city. They want to see as many hearts, in as many cities as possible by the 29th of September 2022.
Whether alone or in a group, you can create your heart shape by using Strava to record and save your route. You can then upload a photo or screenshot by using the World Heart Federation’s online form here.
We want our Indepth family to protect and focus on their health and wellbeing, so we encourage them to take part in this challenge or even swap transportation to and from work with walking or cycling (if possible!) – it helps the planet too! Whatever distance you make, every step counts for your heart health.